Thursday, March 16, 2023

Privacy Issues in Media Today

When we learned about the major privacy laws there were many things that were very concerning when it came to media privacy and the ways that media takes your information constantly. Learning about the Shrink-wrap contract and the Click-wrap contract was very interesting because you now have an open mind to where contracts are started in media and technology. 

A shrink-wrap contract is when you open a package and remove the wrapping from the package then read or see the contract that is in the package. I think this affects me and my parents a lot because I know when I get/receive a package that I never look at the paper in the box because I think it is useless information. There is actually a lot of information that is super important, when you throw out that paper you are throwing out your contract for owning that item. 

The click-wrap contract is much more dangerous when it comes to your media security. A Click-Wrap contract is when you see all the words of the terms of service agreement and words, which can be thousands upon thousands of words that no one reads. When we agree to those terms of service, we agree to the media services to use our media and take our information to better recommend ads and even have the opportunity to use our pictures in different promotions and or to give our information to the government. 

The government should not be allowing these companies to take and use our information, instead, they buy the information from the companies and use it to learn more about us. The government should not be partaking in buying our information rather they should be protecting our privacy by making it easier to know what we are getting ourselves into in the terms of services. Media companies confuse the people by putting so many words in the terms and conditions, so the government could change the law to make it to that there is a summary of the information. We could be protecting ourselves better by not posting everything about ourselves online and being more careful about what we do put on the internet. 

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Final Blog Post

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